Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I am free to love and be loved.

You are free to love and be loved.

God loves me and sent His son to die for me, to bear all my sins and all the sins of the world on the cross for me. And He proclaimed His victory on the 3rd day by rising from the dead.

His death, His life, His sacrifice, His love and so much more that is His and of Him has freed me from my chains, from the chains of slavery to sin, to death, to the consequences of sin. And has redeemed me to be free and to love.

This implies that I am also free from my fears, my insecurities, my hurts and pains b/c of His love for me, b/c I am accepted, b/c I am protected.

Because of the gospel, because of the cross, because of what Jesus has done, I don't have to be scared of being hurt, of being lonely and so much more because I am now God's son and He holds me w/ His strong loving constant hands.

This tells me that it is ok for me to risk my heart, so I can love and let myself be loved b/c even if I am hurt (more like when I am hurt) b/c of betrayal or disappointment or what not He still holds me, He still loves me. Basically I will always have God and His love and He is bigger than all of this pain and hurt.

Jesus not only has set me free from hell and my sins winning over me but also has set me free from my fears b/c of His perfect love for me.

Because of Jesus, I am free to love and be loved. This is true and yet I have trouble believing it in my heart b/c of the hurt that I have and am going through and the lies that I have been told by the enemy and me listening to them and the consequences of those hurts and listening to those lies.

And I hope that this does not take anything away from you believing that God loves you and b/c of what He has done; YOU are FREE to LOVE AND BE LOVED.

there's a lot of implications that I'm still processing and unpacking to this statement so think about it and give me ideas as well.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

food for thought

I am about to butcher this quote cuz I can't remember it exactly:

"Life is not to be lived to hear how much people care about you, but to tell people how much you care about them." - Hannah

I really have to think about this and it's implications and what it really means but it is so true. Thank you Hannah.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Lead Me

Lead me is a song done by Sanctus Real. It's a really good song with awesome lyrics. Check it out here:

I rewrote some of the last lyrics as some type of a prayer.

So Father, give me the strength 
To be everything I'm called to be
Oh Father show me the way
To lead them
Won't You lead me?
To lead them with wisdom
To trust You for all things
Don't want to leave them hungry for love
Chasing things other than you Lord
Show them just how much you love them
That they may feel safe and cared for
So we can call You our home
Lead us cause we can't do this alone
Father, lead me cause I can't do this alone