- servant team meetings
- discipling two people
- being discipled
- phone call with support coach
- support raising
- write letters
- send letters
- make phone calls
- follow up with people
- outline presentation
- meet up with people
- send thank you cards
- make appointments
- school
- close bank account
- find sub-leaser for summer possibly
- large group
- small group
- DC sharing
- ticket paying
- processing
- leaving
- letting go
- feelings
- ending well
- reconciliation
- thinking about decisions
- going to Indonesia with Dad
- overall support raising schedule
- find a sub-leader or not
- taking car to the shop
- set up staff e-mail
- other necessities and errands
Possibly for the first time I am going to need a calendar/written schedule. But that's not gonna change how tired I am and freaked out I am.
Life needs a pause button or like needs to stop being frustrating and things need to stop be being messy. Sigh.
I am just ranting so I am going to stop now.