Sunday, July 11, 2010

what to do

i don't know what to do after I graduate.

I can go to med school, go to grad school for something, go into the workforce, or go into ministry vocationally.

I know I can and will be able to glorify God passionately wherever I go b/c I love glorifying God but what really makes me alive is doing ministry, going into ppl's lives and pointing 'em to God and see 'em learn more about God and also give me a bigger picture of God and I also love going side by side a person and support them w/ their ideas and dreams and be able to help 'em see it through and see the joy in 'em when it glorifies God and influences ppl towards God.

I'm scared...idk what to choose...idk what my calling parents believe that those who choose ministry vocationally are called by God and can't turn back and that adds pressure on me like no other and that is why I'm so scared

I really seriously want to figure out what I'm called to do w/ my life for the rest of my life.

And I'm tired of keeping my options open and seeing God open and close doors...i'm tired of waiting...I want to know now

i'm so tired b/c i feel so powerless and it gets me angry as well and that is the same w/ me feeling is leading me to be angry as well

I'm growing impatient and I just want to know what I'm supposed to do w/ my life after I graduate sooooo bad. I guess you can say I'm desperate.

I leave this blog on a cliffhanger b/c this is a cry and just a major spill of thoughts and emotions that I just can't process through b/c I am as well overwhelmed by everything...sigh...

1 comment:

  1. Ha--I graduated and am still feeling that wonder and need that direction from God.

    I love you and miss you Gabe.
