Friday, December 25, 2009

should I be excited?

Christmas- a day to remember the birth of my Savior and giver of the ultimate gift (eternal life), Jesus Christ. This day is to remember that Jesus humbled Himself and came down to this sinful world fully God and fully man to ultimately live on this Earth sinless, influence tons of people esp. the 12 disciples, and die on the cross for everyone's sins (while we were all still sinners), and rise from the dead on the 3rd day signifying victory and meaning to all the suffering He went through for us.

It sounds like Christmas should be a grand day of celebration and I should be excited about it.

But when I think about it. We should remember what Christ did every living moment of our lives and be reminded and learn of the implications of the cross and the empty tomb.

Given this, should I be excited today?

I think we should be excited and have our joy and the love we experience from God overflow out of us every single day.

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