Friday, June 18, 2010


God's fingerprints are everywhere!

I'm starting to realize and see this everywhere I go.

Like seeing the water show in front of the Bellagio. I could watch it for hours and not get old of it. It is so beautiful and creative. I am constantly in awe of it.

What makes it more awesome is that it reflects who God is. Someone had to program the show. To program when a certain spout will shoot water and also for how high, how long, and in what direction. It's amazing and putting it all together is so creative and just incredible. This in itself shows how incredible and creative our God is because this person/ppl were created in the image of God so they reflect God's characters and also the blessings God gives ppl, to His creation, to those He loves.

God is amazing :)

another is in songs like "I'll Stand by You." the lyrics could be said to be "corny" cuz of all dat lovey-dovey stuff. But some of these lyrics are very beautiful in how this person is expressing love and showing love. These lyrics also express God's love for us in one way or another. It gives us just a little glimpse because God's love is bigger and never ending and will not fail us unlike people's love.

I'm really starting to see God everywhere and how things can be seen/taken to worship God and be in awe of Him. To give God all the glory.

The question I see God's fingerprints in my own life?

The answer is I don't at times and that is sad and frustrating for me because I know that He has done work in my life and is working in my life but it is so hard to see it at times especially when things are down/hard. Maybe it's time to stop seeing/just plainly knowing and having faith and believing that God is working and taking refuge in that. idk...maybe...just maybe.

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